Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Students Working at Forestview

Inspired by the work of Joyce Scott, students from Forestview High School are creating contemporary "sterotype" quilts through fibers, beading, printmaking and collage. Students are exploring a broad usage of form, color and pattern in the creation of their mixed media quilt tackling their selected themes.

Recall - Work by Joyce Scott

Recall - Work by Joyce Scott
McColl Center for Visual Art
January 29 - March 20, 2010
Inspired by American history and her heritage, Scott's work combine humor with social commentary to address racism and sexism, often in a straightforward and startling manner. Even the choice of materials, primarily beads, have significance for Scott, who describes her heritage as a mix of African-American, American Indian and Scottish. Beads played a central role in the purchase of slaves from Africa and may have also been used in the purchase of Manhattan from Native Americans to the Dutch. Scott gained early exposure to beading and to crafts in general, from her mother, Elizabeth Talford Scott, who, well into her 90's is a celebrated textile artist herself. However it was in the 70's that Joyce was taught the intricate Peyote stitch found in tradational Native American beaded works. Recall will be Scott's first solo exhibition in Charlotte.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Recall at Forestview

Check here soon for an amazing project by students from Forestview High School, Gastonia NC - led by artist Ginny Boyd and made possible by a grant to McColl Center for Visual Art from the North Carolina Arts Council.